Road Lane Tracking using OpenCV
Source Code:
In this project, I am using OpenCV to process the video file step by step to obatin the following result.
Defining the Region of interest by inspecting the situation.
- In this case, as the person is driving on the right lane, it is in our better interest to define the process region to slightly rightward inclined to get better results. (In the real world scenario, the video won’t be this much wide)
Converting the image object to canny image.
Creation of lines on a blank frame of the same resolution.
- region_of_interest function will take the canny_image (converted from our image object) object and the region of interest parameters and then will specify an area for our processing.
- Further using the HoughLinesP function from OpenCV, defining the line parameters for our canny_image object.
- draw_the_line function will take the original image and the line object and then draw an overlay over our actual image frame.
In the next step, applying the process by reading and parsing the capture frame by frame and then process the capture.